Relevant Documents

A list of documents of relevance for our science community

On this page you will find links to documents of relevance to SKA science users.   Information on accessing the telescopes can be found on the Observing with SKA page.


Anticipated Science Performance of the SKA telescopes

The anticipated performance of the SKA telescopes based on detailed design work and site characteristics.  This information is incorporated into the sensitivity calculators.   The information will be updated once the results of commissioning and verification of the SKA prototypes are completed (AA0.5)

There are two versions:

1. Official SKAO document #818 (December 2017)

2. arXiv version (December 2019)

SKA Science Case

Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (The SKA Science Books - 2015):

Individual Chapters (2015)

Volume 1 (128 Mb pdf)

Volume 2 (73 MB pdf)

Science with the SKA (New Astronomy Reviews - 2004)

Individual Chapters (2004)

Design Documents

Design Baseline Description A readable (but long) detailed description of the system design of the SKA

Level 0 Science Requirements

Level 1 Engineering (System) Requirements

Project Documents 

Observatory Establishment and Delivery Plan (contains the description of the Observatory Development Plan)

Construction Proposal

SKA Phase 1 Executive Summary

Staged Delivery (Roll-out) and Array Assemblies 

Staged Delivery, Array Assemblies, and Sub-arrays imaging planning tool (python, compatible with CASA)

(Includes co-ordinates for Mid and Low) 

(For summaries see the Science Timeline webpage)

Key Science ProjectsBackground & Description  (also see the Access Rules and Regulations)
Science Working Groups

Terms of Reference (includes membership eligibility).   

See also the SWGs webpage 

Observing and Data Access

More information will be provided soon

Summary of Science Data Products summary

SKAO Access Policy | SKAO Access Rules and Regulations (not yet available)

For more information, including Calls for Proposals, please see the Observing with SKA webpage (link to be provided when ready)

Science Data Challenges

SDC1: Published results | webpage | This challenge has completed, but the data are still available for use.

SDC2: Published resultswebpage | This challenge has completed, but the data are still available for use.

SDC3: Published results | webpage|  Completed – Foregrounds.   To come – Inference.

SDC 4: Coming in 2024 | Magnetism

MemosSKA1 Beyond 15 GHz: The Science Case for Band 6 (Memo 20-01)


Last modified on 26 September 2024