Dr Filippo Zerbi

Dr Filippo Zerbi is an Italian astrophysicist with an interest in stellar, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astrophysics through the design and construction of instrumentation for ground based and spaceborne observatories, with special attention to robotic telescopes and high-resolution spectroscopy.
Born in Milan, Italy, Filippo Zerbi completed his PhD in Astrophysics at the University of Pavia and University of Milan. Following pre-doctoral and post-doctoral roles in Spain, he joined the Astronomical Observatory of Brera in Milan in 1997, reaching the position of senior researcher in 2016, when he was appointed as INAF’s Science Director, a post which he held for two terms. He also worked at the European Southern Observatory during the development of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) Construction Proposal.
As INAF Science Director he closely followed the development and the governance of large international research infrastructures including SKAO to which he has contributed to in various ways for over a decade.
Dr Filippo Zerbi succeeded Dr Catherine Cesarsky, who has held the position of Chair since the Observatory was founded in 2021. Dr Cesarsky also chaired the Board of Directors of its precursor, the SKA Organisation, from 2017.