VLBI Working Group Introduction
A technical description of SKA-VLBI (including the interfaces between the SKA1 telescopes and the VLBI terminal), a description of science performance and a compilation of VLBI Science Use Cases for SKA can be found here
In October 2019 an SKA-VLBI workshop was held at SKA HQ, at Jodrell Bank. Presentations from the workshop, relevant deliverables from the JUMPING JIVE project etc. can be obtained on the associated web pages.

Working Group Membership
Members of the the VLBI Science Working group can be found here.
We actively encourage interested researchers to participate in the working group.
If you are interested in joining the group, please complete this form.
The current co-chairs are:
- Jack Radcliffe (University of Pretoria, South Africa), jack.f.radcliffe AT gmail.com
- Jun Yang (Onsala Space Observatory and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), jun.yang AT chalmers.se
Guidelines on who can join the group can be found here.
The SKAO Project Scientist liaison is Philippa Hartley (contact details here).
VLBI Working Group Documentation
Download the VLBI Banner here
The VLBI chapters from "Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA" (2015) can be found here
A dedicated SKA-VLBI Workshop was held at SKAO-HQ in October 2019. Access the program and presentations here
The Jumping JIVE deliverable "SKA-VLBI Science Cases" (May 2019) is available here
Previous Chairs
- Tao An (2017-2024)
- Cormac Reynolds (2015-2023)
- Zsolt Paragi (2015-2017)